Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”-Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1973
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”-Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1974
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”-Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1976
XENIA HOTEL-Paros 1991
“KASTANIES”-Tsagarada-Pelion 1992
Gallery “Apocalypse”-Nicosia-Cyprus 1993
Gallery “Periple”-Brussels 2000
Lufthansa VIP LOUNGE-El.Venizelos airport 2003
Gallery “Periple”-Brussels 2004
GOETHE Institute-Athens 2007
Small Retrospective-ATLANTIS theater-Athens 2012
Myconos Municipality Art Gallery 2012
Gallery “ARGO”-Athens 2013
Gallery”Periple” -Brussels 2014
“Castellania”, Rhodes, 2015
Gallery “ARGO”, Αθήνα 2016
Cultural Center – Paros 2016
PPA’s International Maritime Conference, Piraeus 2016
Cultural Center – Kalamata 2017
Centre International de Difusion Artistique(C.I.D.A.)GRAND PRIX de pacques,Honorary Distinction in landscape-Nice,France 1970
Centre International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIX du Festival de Cannes-Cannes,France 1970
Salon des Artistes Francais,Paris 1970
Centre International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIX de Noel,Honorary Distinction in landscape-Nice,France 1980
Centre International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIXDE de pacques,Honorary Distinction in composition-France 1971
Salon des Artistes Francais,Paris 1971
Center International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIX du Festival de Cannes,Honorary Distinction-Cannes 1971
Center International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIX de New York,Honorary Distinction in landscape,Nice 1972
Salon des Artistes Francais,Paris 1972
Center International de Difusion Artistique GRAND PRIX de Noel,Honorary Distinction in still life-Nice 1972
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1973
Salon des Artistes Francais-Paris 1974
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1974
Gallery “Kyveli”-Athens 1974
CULTURAL CENTER of Larisa-Larisa 1975
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1975
Casino Municipal de Cannes GRAND PRIX International de Peinture de la Cote d’Azur-Cannes 1975
Salon des Artistes Francais-Paris 1975
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1975
Academie Royale des Beaux Arts-Brussels 1975
Gallery “Praktoreio Pnevmatikis Synergasias”Agency of Intellectual Collaboration-Athens 1975
Salon des Artistes Francais-Paris 1976
Academie Royale des Beaux Arts-Brussels 1976
Academie Royale des Beaux Arts-Brussels 1977
Academie Royale des Beaux Arts-Brussels 1978
Music and Artistic group of Glyfada-Athens 1982
Salon d’Alimenation,among the 12 artists who were selected in a European painting contest,organized by the Commission of the European Community.The topic was “ELIA-OLIVE”-Paris 1988
Commission of the European Communities Halls-Brussels 1988
1st Exhibition of Parian Artists,”PARNASSOS”1990
2nd Exhibition of Parian Artists “PARNASSOS”1994
Exhibition of Greek Artists,in the context of the Greek Presidency of the EU-Antwerp 2003
“Pariou Fotos Antidoron”,Cultural Center of Athens-“MELINA MERKOURI”-Athens 2004